Bangladesh is a South Asian country (neighbor of India). It has a total area equivalent to three-quarters of Nebraska but its population is 82 times that of Nebraska. It is the 8th most densely populated (population density 1265/km2) country in the world. Therefore, Bangladesh is at extreme risk of infection by the pandemic coronavirus/COVID-19. However, the economy of Bangladesh is heavily dependent upon the ready-made garment sector and agriculture (where about 80% of people work). Due to the lockdown of the country to fight against COVID-19, about 40-50% of people in the country do not have enough food. As you know, personal protective equipment (PPE) is very important for healthcare personnel to fight against the virus, and there are very limited resources for PPE and relief for feeding low-income people. We, the Bangladesh Student Association at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are humbly asking for your kindness to help save lives in Bangladesh. A small donation of $ 5 is enough to feed 15 people for lunch! Please extend your hand with kindness for humanity. Our mission is to provide support as much as we can to save lives in Bangladesh. If you have any questions or concerns about this charity fundraising, please contact us via bsa@unl.edu.
You can donate here:
Paypal: bsa@unl.edu
website: https://marketplace.unl.edu/default/bangladesh.html
More details at: https://marketplace.unl.edu/default/bangladesh.html