Kayaks, tents, bikes, paddle boards, and 400 other outdoor gear items will be sold to the public at the annual Used Gear Sale from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. April 2, 2021 at the Outdoor Adventures Center (930 N. 14th Street, Lincoln).
Sale items were previously used by rec programs - in particular, Outdoor Adventures - for student adventure trips, academic class teaching, rentals to students, and clinics & workshops. Gear is sold in “as is” condition and all sales are final. No returns, refunds or exchanges. Proceeds from the sale are reinvested to purchase new gear and equipment to benefit Nebraska students.
Entry to the sale area will occur via the parking lot and courtyard on the east side of the building. The sidewalk will be marked to indicate separation between waiting times and only 15 people will be allowed into the courtyard at a time to view and select items.
Face coverings are required to be worn (regardless of being indoors or outdoors while at the OAC), a 6-foot physical distance must be observed, and hand sanitizer will be available. Everyone who enters the sale will be asked to provide their name and contact information in case contract tracing is necessary.
A partial listing and prices of available items is listed below. Items with an asterisks (*) are limited to one per person. Payments can be made with cash, credit or debit card, and NCard.
Questions? Contact Outdoor Adventures Center 402-472-4777. Opens daily at 10 a.m.
*Stand Up Paddle Board Rigid Bic 10' Performer $350.00
*Stand Up Paddle Board Rigid Bic 11' Tough Tec $400.00
*Stand Up Paddle Board NRS Inflatable $600.00
*Canoe Mad River 28 $400.00
*Kayak Solo Perception $450.00
*Kayak Solo Dagger $350.00
*White Water Kayak Wave Sport 56 140 - 210 LBS $400.00
*White Water Kayak Jackson 145-180 lbs $400.00
*White Water Kayak Jackson 165-230 lbs $400.00
Peguine Feet (pair) $15.00
Kayak Paddle $30.00
Extra Sport Life Jacket $7.00
Bic SUP Paddle $30.00
Canoe Paddle $7.00
SUP Storage Bag $10.00
Trek Pole (single) $5.00
MSR Dragon Fly Stove $35.00
MSR Deluxe Cook Set $30.00
*Single Speed Bike $80.00 – $120.00
Used Rope 1 ~40' section $6.00 – $10.00
Used Climbing Shoes $8.00
Used Chalk Bag $5.00
Homemade Windchime $30.00
2" Webbing Belt $3.00
Tent Shifter 3 person $90.00
Tent Drifter 4 Person $80.00
Tent 14'x8' Dome $10.00
Kiva $60.00
Tent Alps 3 person $50.00
*Osprey Backpack $95.00
XC Poles (pair) $20.00
XC Skis (pair) $120.00
XC boots (pair) $50.00
Backcountry Snow Shovel $15.00
Hanging Exercise mat (56.5" x 23.5 x 5/8") $2.00 – $5.00