Many events are a one-and-done kinda thing - you either make it or you miss it all together.
Luckily, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has numerous regularly-scheduled services and meet-ups that recur every single week.
Here are five we found for you to become acquainted and join.
Coffee Talks: Conversations between International & Domestic Students
Every Monday & Thursday | 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Nebraska Union (across from Subway)
A twice-weekly gathering for casual and social conversation between international and domestic students. Grab a beverage and join the chat to explore cultures, meet friends and learn about campus.
Dish It Up
Every Tuesday | 12 to 1 p.m.
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center, Room 212
Join a lively weekly discussion about current and hot topics affecting students’ lives, the campus, and society in the United States and globally. Dish It Up is a safe space for students, staff, and faculty to share their personal views, engage in civil discussion, and learn from others.
Study Studio
Monday–Thursday | 5 to 8 p.m.
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center, 2nd Floor
Peer-to-peer drop-in tutoring services for all students. A learning consultant will be on-hand to give you additional assistance with your homework. A wide range of subjects and courses are available, from math and psychology, to physics and chemistry. Subjects vary by day, so visit the Study Studio website for the latest schedule.
Collegiate Recovery Community
Every Friday | 6:30 p.m.
University Health Center, Room 127
Find a caring, supportive community that supports students in recovery. The evening includes a recovery meeting followed by time to socialize and connect.
Drop-in Spaces for Coping with Burnout
Every Tuesdays | 6 to 7 p.m.
Zoom: https://go.unl.edu/ go.unl.edu/dropinspace
These drop-in support spaces are led by a team of your peers that are trained mental health ambassadors to offer space to connect with other students and feel supported.
These spaces are for open, casual conversation about how we are all feeling, changes we wish to see on campus, tips on how we get through the day, and anything you just want to talk about.
This is a no-commitment-required way to find connections and support during this time. Just show up. You can join at any time, and stay for as long as you want within the hour.