Is the idea of starting a conversation with an employer keeping you from going to the Career Fair? No need to worry, they want to talk to you! Here is just one approach to help you prepare:
Easy Opener: I am [name] a [year in school] studying [major(s)] here at UNL.
Next Up: [Organization name] interests me because of its [reason the organization interests you]
Something About Them: It looked like the [position(s) they recruit for] listed on Handshake require [qualification or responsibility of the position] which is just the kind of opportunity I am looking for.
And a Question: Could you tell me more about the [opportunity/position title]?
This is NOT the only way to approach an employer at the Career Fair. The idea is to be yourself, pleasant, and informed on what the organization is about and the types of opportunities they have which would be of interest to you. You can find those on Handshake and/or the careers section of their website. The more you know about the organizations that interest you, the easier the conversations will be.
After such a great start, share a little about yourself – what experiences have you had that led you to your area of interest? What courses have you taken in the field? You don’t have to have a lot of experience; they just want to get to know you and what your interests are.
As you wrap up the conversation, offer them your resume, knowing they may direct you instead to apply on their website. This is not a bad sign; it is just their organization’s process.
One more strategy: start your Career Fair with an employer who is not your number one pick. Have a conversation or two with others of interest first to gain even more confidence.
Conversations with employers are easy with a little prep, practice, and confidence. For help preparing for the Career Fair, February 14-16 in the Nebraska Union, 12-4pm, and February 17, 12-4pm in the East Campus Union, visit the Preparing for a Career Fair site and/or meet with a Career Coach.
More details at: https://careers.unl.edu/2022-spring-unl-career-fairs/