Huskers Vote Coalition's blog 'Civic Notes' is a non-partisan source for UNL students stay up-to-date about common voting-related topics and questions so you feel empowered no matter how you plan to cast your ballot during the upcoming elections. New posts are released monthy.
In April, gain information about key dates, steps to vote by mail and gain an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of elected offices on the 2022 Nebraska Statewide ballot.
Key Dates for 2022 Nebraska Elections
Gain information about the key dates related to the 2022 Primary Election (May 10) and the 2022 General Election (Nov. 8)
Click here to read more
Decoding the Nebraska 2022 Ballot
Gain an understanding of the roles and responsibilities for elected officials on ballots for the 2022 primary (may 10) and general (nov. 8) elections in Nebraska.
Click here to read more
How do I vote by Mail?
Voting by mail is designed to make voting accessible for anyone who can’t make it to their polling place on Election Day or for anyone who prefers to not vote in person. Some states require excuses for voting by mail while others allow anyone to do so.
Click here to read more
What are my voting rights?
A a core tenet of democracy is fair voting, and America has prioritized fair voting for all its citizens. Your rights as a voter are protected by numerous laws, and knowing them before you head to the poll can help your vote count.
Click here to read more
Click here to gain additional voting resources
Click here to learn more about the steps to serve as a Vote Ambassador and join the Coalition.
Reach out to Andrew Brown at andrew.brown@unl.edu for more information.
More details at: https://involved.unl.edu/huskers-vote-coalition