Grab a friend or a few for some casual competition with intramural sports. Winners will receive an intramural championship t-shirt. Sign up deadlines are this week for the following IM sports leagues and tournaments.
Register in the Intramural Sports office at the Campus Recreation Center or at the Recreation & Wellness Center on East Campus unless otherwise noted.
Play is Sunday through Thursdays in the evening beginning October 19.
- Entry fee is $60/team.
- Men’s, Women’s, Open, and Unified Play leagues.
Deadline to sign up is 5 p.m. October 13.
Play is Sunday through Thursdays in the evenings beginning October 19.
- Entry fee is $25/team.
- Co-Rec, Men’s, Women’s, and Open Play leagues.
Deadline to sign up is 5 p.m. October 13.
Find more information and the full list of fall intramural sports here.