November an opportunity to explore Lincoln
And just like that, November is upon us. It’s time to pack up the Halloween decor, break out the winter coats, and start thinking about wrapping up the fall semester.
And just like that, November is upon us. It’s time to pack up the Halloween decor, break out the winter coats, and start thinking about wrapping up the fall semester.
These new “niche” events will target specific career interest communities with nonlinear career paths and will focus on learning and exploration rather than simply networking. The pilot event, Exploring: Government, Policy and Law Pathways, will be held 4-6 p.m. Nov. 9.
Fall break and Halloween are behind us, tests and projects are coming up fast, with finals looming just after Thanksgiving break. Have no fear – we have tips for managing end-of-semester stress to avoid burnout.
The Huskers Vote Coalition has answers to frequently asked questions to ensure Huskers are prepared to cast a ballot in the upcoming Nebraska general election.
In this issue: Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority Inc. // Campus Crusade for Christ // Define American // Residence Hall Association // Best Buddies // University Program Council // India Students Association // Soil and Water Resources Club Continue reading…
The beginning of November signals the start of a busy five-week dash to the conclusion of fall semester. Take time to plot a strategy to successfully navigate your course work, projects, club and organization obligations, personal health and the changing seasons.
Organizing a Friendsgiving is a wonderful way to celebrate your friendships and share gratitude for one another during the holiday season. Read on for ideas to help you plan a fun and successful Friendsgiving celebration.
Huskers and RSOs can connect with service opportunities to help the Lincoln community. Join fellow Huskers this month to learn about Homelessness and volunteer at nonprofits connected to fixing this social problem. Continue reading…
Open Registration for Spring Semester 2023 Courses begins November 9 in MyRed.
From 7 to 9 p.m. Nov. 11, all UNL students who have downloaded their Event Pass can relax and putt-er around a bit with FREE mini-golf at Prehistoric Putt, located on Cornhusker Highway. Further details plus other events happening this weekend are in the link.
Concussions can happen unexpectedly from car accidents, a fall down the stairs and other scenarios. The University Health Center explains how to tell if you have a concussion and how to get care at the new Concussion Clinic on campus.
Many cyclists and bike-commuters enjoy riding all year, regardless of the season. If you plan to put away your bike during the colder seasons, follow these steps and use your on-campus services to keep your ride in great condition.
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln Police Department recently launched a new web-based application intended to help the campus community find lost belongings.
Enjoy an evening of short films celebrating women in the outdoors. Hosted by UNL Outdoor Adventures, the films will screen from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center. This event is free and open to the public.
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