RSO Roundup is a digest of announcements and news submitted by Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) to Next@Nebraska or published on NVolveU.
Here are the curated events happening October 2 - 8.
Nebraska University Malaysian Student Association
Stressed from assignments and tests? Join the club for a chill Board Game Night from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. October 2 in the Nebraska Union Food Court.
Delta Xi Nu
Celebrate founder's week for the sorority during Wake Up with the Honey’s! from 8:15 to 10:30 a.m. October 2 in the OASIS lounge. Various breakfast foods as well as coffee and tea will be provided.
Sustain UNL
The club is hosting a clothing swap! all week. Drop off clothes on Monday 10/2 and Tuesday 10/3 from 12 to 2 at Nebraska Union. Pick out as many clothing items as you donated for the swap days on Thursday 10/5 and Friday 10/6 or, if you do not donate clothes, you can purchase clothes on swap days for $1 per piece.
Kappa Alpha Theta
Join the club for WaffleCASA from 5 to 8 p.m. October 3 at the Kappa Alpha Theta chapter house (1545 S St). Tickets are $6 from any Theta or $7 at the door. Enjoy waffles, sausage, whipped cream, fruits and a variety of syrups to benefit Lancaster County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) and the money raised goes back into training community CASAs.
At Pie an Acacian from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. October 3 on Meier Commons, you'll have the chance to throw pies at fraternity members to raise funds for Shriner's Hospitals for Children.
Dance Marathon
Hear from Miracle Families and testimonials from members of the student organization at Night of Mirachles from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. October 4 on Nebraska Union Plaza to learn more about Dance Marathon's cause connection to the Omaha Children's Hospital.
Food Science Club
The French dairy company Lactalis is coming to share with the food science club about their company, an expenses-paid master's program in France, dinner, and a cheese tasting. Join the club for fun, food, and learning from 5 to 6:30 p.m. October 5 at Food Industry Complex 111.
University Program Council
UNL students and their families will be able to enjoy one free scoop of ice cream at the student org's Family Weekend with 402 Creamery event from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. October 7 on Nebraska Union Plaza.
Residence Hall Association
Grab a seat to watch Super Mario Brothers at the RHA Outdoor Film for Family Weekend at 8 p.m. on October 7 on the 17th Street Green Space. Gather your friends and family, bring a blanket or chair, and enjoy free popcorn, refreshing drinks, and exciting prizes.
If the weather doesn’t cooperate, the event will move into the nearby Red Cloud Suite at the Willa Cather Dining Complex.