Hispanic Heritage, LGBTQA+ History, and Domestic/Dating Violence Awareness Months as well as Coffee with a Cup Day are all recognized in October. Celebrate and learn more at five events this week.
Coffee with a Cop
3 to 5 p.m. October 4
Nebraska Union, the Crib
Stop by for a free cup of coffee and/or refreshment to meet University Police officers and staff to talk about campus safety and build relationships.
National Coffee with a Cop Day is dedicated to encouraging communication and positive interactions between law enforcement agencies and the public.
Pride in the Workplace
5:30 to 7 p.m. October 4
Wick Alumni Center
Engage in meaningful conversations with companies that are working towards creating a work environment that’s inclusive of intersectional identities. LBGTQA+ students and allies are invited for a time of networking and dialogue with companies taking strides to foster diversity.
Fiesta on the Green
5 to 7:30 p.m. October 5
Nebraska Union Plaza
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion invites you to a celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. Fiesta on the Green is an opportunity for the entire university community to learn and experience the rich Latinx culture through various activities, including a performance by Mariana Hernandez-Moreno, a first-year student, a traditional dance performance by Sangre Azteca, and the opportunity to engage with various student organizations.
Pop Culture Trivia
7 to 8:30 p.m. October 5
Nebraska Union Ballroom
As part of Domestic/Dating Violence Awareness Month, join CARE to play the classic game of trivia by looking at examples from TV, movies, music, and news stories that relate to relationship violence in media. Play individually or in teams of 3-4 for a chance to win prizes. Snacks will be provided.
Drop in Flu Shot Clinics
9 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 to 4 p.m. October 4 - 6
University Health Center, Room 240
Get a free flu shot by attending a drop-in flu shot clinic at the University Health Center. No appointment is needed.
Bring these items with you:
- NCard
- Completed 2023-24 Flu Vaccination Form
Learn more about this year’s flu shot and get answers to common questions about the vaccine.