Developers, designers, marketers, product managers and startup enthusiasts are invited to collaborate in UNL Startup Weekend, March 8-10 in Avery Hall. Through hands-on workshops, participants will learn to put entrepreneurial ideas into action.
Other topics include: transforming ideas into viable business models, creating a business model canvas to understand all the parts of your business idea, how to split team equity with co-founders and creating a winning business pitch.
Participants will have access to design, graphic arts and coding experts to further refine their ideas to make them more "market-ready". Industry professionals will also actively coach and review startup business pitch presentations.
UNL Startup Weekend starts Friday night, March 8 at 6:00 p.m. and runs through Sunday night. All meals are included. Costs are $39 for students, $79 for non-students.
Startup Weekend is organized by UNL HIVE, a student technology collective, UNL Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization, UNL Association for Computing Machinery, UNL Ad Club, and sponsored by the Kauffman Foundation.
For more information, go to: