Mueller Planetarium in the University of Nebraska State Museum of Natural History’s Morrill Hall has announced its spring fulldome schedule beginning April 27. The schedule includes the new fulldome show, “A Planet for Goldilocks.”
Schedule April 27 to April 30:
* “A Planet for Goldilocks” – Saturdays and Sundays at 2 and 3 p.m.
* “Natural Selection” – Thursdays at 7 p.m.
Expanded schedule starting June 1:
* “A Planet for Goldilocks” – Tuesdays through Sundays at 2 and 3 p.m.
* "Natural Selection" Thursdays at 7 p.m.
“A Planet for Goldilocks” is a new fulldome show exploring the search for new planets. The search for a planet like Earth – one with temperatures, oceans, and an atmosphere suitable for life has been a little like Goldilocks’ search for a decent bowl of porridge: some are too hot, some are too cold, but some are “just right.”
Discover the techniques astronomers have used to find more than 2,000 tiny, dark worlds in orbit around distant stars – some in the Goldilocks Zone. As astronomers add exploration tools like the Thirty Meter Telescope atop Hawaii’s Mauna Kea, many more will undoubtedly be discovered. Following “A Planet for Goldilocks,” there will be updates on the current night sky. Total running time is 42 minutes.
Schedule subject to change. For the more information about fulldome shows, visit the planetarium's website, http://www.spacelaser.com or phone (402) 472-2641.
The University of Nebraska State Museum of Natural History in Morrill Hall and Mueller Planetarium are south of 14th and Vine streets on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln City Campus (map at http://www1.unl.edu/tour/MORR).
Parking is free in front of the museum. Planetarium tickets include museum admission and can be purchased at the museum's front desk the day of the show. Admission is $9 for adults (19 and older), $5.50 for children, and $3 for UNL staff, faculty, and students with valid NU ID.
For more information on planetarium shows, astronomy, and space science, visit http://www.spacelaser.com or phone 402-472-2641. For more information on the museum, visit http://www.museum.unl.edu.
More details at: http://www.spacelaser.com/