Anyone who wants to volunteer to participate in the statewide TERREX emergency drill as an actor should come to a sign-up session "First Responder Volunteer Sign Up" in the Nebraska Union on April 21 or April 27 (room posted). Participants should be 19 and older and have 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. free on May 11.
As part of a full-scale emergency training exercise on May 11, Nebraska Emergency Management Agency will create an emergency drill to come as close as possible to a real incident, to test preparation by local, county, state and federal agencies. The scenario being played out is a shooter in Oldfather Hall. The exercise will last as long as six hours, involve real equipment and personnel, and volunteer "actors" during the scenario.
The annual statewide training exercise will include participants from UNL, Lincoln Police and Lincoln Fire departments, Lancaster County Sheriff, Nebraska State Patrol, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, FBI, and Bryan/LGH and St. Elizabeth hospitals.
Questions about the volunteer program can be directed to Beth Benson at 472-2100, bbenson2@unl.edu