The Daily Nebraskan is looking for volunteers to help with the 4th annual Fashion Show. We are looking for people to help model the clothing, run behind the scenes, and manage throughout the event. This is a chance for students to get involved and something to add to resumes.
Next@Nebraska Sun. Jan. 24, 2016
- Massage Sale at City Rec and E. Campus RWC Jan.25-30
- Join us this May for a service study abroad to Guatemala!
- Researchers turn to students in quest for elusive species
- Free Skate Nights held at new Breslow Ice Center
- Quilt House Presents 'Michael James: Forty Years in the Studio'
- Information Sessions for an Entrepreneurial Internship, In a Community
- Brave New Matter for a Brave New World: Shapeshifting & Invisibility
- Hall’s performance to span all corners of the world
- UNL Crew Open Boathouse
- FASHION SHOW Model and Manager Call!
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