Nearly 1 in 3 students on our campus worries about not having enough food until they get money to buy more. A new office located in the Nebraska Union will provide resources to address food and shelter insecurities. Get involved—cast your vote for a name at
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Mexican American Student Association, in partnership with the ladies of Lambda Theta Nu Sorority Inc., would like to announce our Dia de los Muertos Celebration, being held on November 4th, 2016 from 6-9pm at the Kauffman Residential Center on UNL’s City Campus. Continue reading…
Dare to Care is a food drive competition at UNL that collects items for the Food Bank of Lincoln to provide Thanksgiving meals for those in need. Register your team and bring your donations to the East Campus Union on Nov. 11. Both campuses will have collection bins for individual donations as well. Continue reading…
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Speaker Rebecca Reinhardt, cultural programs coordinator at the Asian Community and Cultural Center, will share the challenges that Asian American and International students face on campus. Event will take place from 12-1 p.m. in the OASIS Lounge. All students are invited to attend!
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Campus NightLife hosts "Relax and Re-energize" in the Centennial Room and Ballroom in the City Union on November 10, beginning at 8 p.m to 11 p.m. The event will include aqua massage tables, an oxygen bar, a smoothie bar, massage therapists and more. The event is free with NCard.
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VITA at UNL is seeking volunteer tax preparers to assist with the UNL Tax Credit Campaign and International Student Scholar tax sites this spring. No previous tax knowledge required. This is a great opportunity to serve the Lincoln community and boost your resume. Continue reading…
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"Lying" isn't always a bad thing to do. The contest of Werewolves of Millers Hollow will take place on November 4. Continue reading…
Latino/a undergraduate and graduate students welcome. The purpose is to have undergraduate students ask questions about applying and being a graduate student in various fields. It will be Nov. 9, 7:30-8:30 pm at OASIS Conference Room - Rm 155. Food and refreshments will be provided thanks to OASIS. Continue reading…
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