Every year the Women’s Center gives students, faculty, and staff a chance to nominate women in their lives for the Character, Courage, and Commitment award. This award is given during Women’s Week (March 13th – 17th). This week is made of a series of events planned to celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day. This award allows individuals in the university community to acknowledge a women that has had an impact on them as well as the Lincoln community.
The nominated women will be recognized during Women’s Week. Whether you know this woman of character, courage, and commitment in a professional, personal, mentor, or peer relationship, I want to invite you to nominate a strong woman in your life. In your nomination, please include the nominees name, email address, position, and 150 words or less on why this person is a woman of Character, Courage, and Commitment. Please also include a picture of the nominee if you have access to one. To ensure the quality of the awards, please submit pictures that are AT LEAST 5 inches wide by 7 inches tall or 300 dpi. To submit images please send the links to Corrin Bemis, Volunteer Coordinator at wcvolunteers@unl.edu. The nominees will be featured on the Caffina Café wall of the Nebraska Union throughout the month of March and will be recognized at the Women’s Banquet on March 15th.
You can find the nomination form at http://involved-apps.unl.edu/a/WomensHistoryMonth. Nominations are due by February 17, 2017.
More details at: http://involved-apps.unl.edu/a/WomensHistoryMonth