The University of Nebraska-Lincoln/Lincoln Public Schools String Project Spring performance will take place Monday, April 17 at 7 p.m. in Kimball Recital Hall. The performance is free and open to the public.
“I love the fact that the String Project Teachers (our own string students) are able to get so much experience teaching and spreading the joy of playing a stringed instrument to children from all over Lincoln,” said Karen Becker, Director of the UNL/LPS String Project and Professor Cello at the Glenn Korff School of Music. “It’s so rewarding to see these young students get excited when they finally get something or when they realize what a difference it makes when they practice. I’m also extremely thankful for the support, financially and otherwise, of the Lincoln Public Schools, specifically Dr. Lance Nielson (Music Supervisor) and Gary Reber (Foundation for Lincoln Public Schools) and the Glenn Korff School of Music. Finally, we are very fortunate to have Dottie Ladman, such a wonderful and experienced Master Teacher, to supervise the String Project Teachers.”
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln/Lincoln Public Schools String Project is a joint effort between the Glenn Korff School of Music at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the Lincoln Public Schools. It is an after-school teacher-training program that gives children the opportunity to begin playing a stringed instrument before they start in their school. It also affords the same opportunity to students who are home-schooled or who attend private or parochial schools that may not have string programs, as well as students who live in outlying areas. Classes are held twice weekly for beginning students at Park Middle School, Monday and Wednesday at 4:30 and 5:30.
Some of the students shared their thoughts about being part of the String Project when asked the question, What do you enjoy most about your participation in the String Project?:
Vivaldi Ensemble (first year) students:
"It's fun and I like playing music.” - Camden McMillan
“The nice teachers and learning new songs.” - Sable Gray
"I like the kinds of songs we learn, like Can-Can and Dreidel.” - Claire Sailer
“What I enjoy the most is the teacher helps us play the music!” - Sophie Tan
"I like practicing our songs.” - Charlotte Sanio
I’ve enjoyed learning how to play and having fun playing. Also meeting new people.” - Orin Santos
"I like that it is taught by UNL students, and I like being in a group of other kids”. - Harper Kinnan
Mozart Orchestra (second year) students:
"What I enjoy most about the String Project is learning new songs.” - Lara Mattos
“It's hard to answer as there are so many things I like, for instance playing in the Advanced Strings project feels like I am in a real orchestra. I also like my teachers because they explain things very clearly and help us to play the right notes. Being a part of this project makes me feel happy and proud.” - Yve Nelson
"I love the String Project because it teaches me music and rhythm. Of course, it teaches you your instrument, but it also teaches different playing styles. I also love the student teacher's because they are nice and understanding. I love my bass because of (String Project Teacher) Stephen Cantarero!!!!!” - Adriane Tep
"My favorite thing is Adriane and the last concert!” - Olivia Sulzle
“I really appreciate that I was able to start as a third grader and really enjoyed the opportunity to perform at Kimball Recital Hall.” - Elsa Meyer
"I like when we get introduced to new songs.” - Jonah Majorins
This is the second year of the program, the third semester of activity and the String Project now has 78 students.
“I look forward to seeing continued growth in the program as we add another ensemble for the third-year students and require that they take private lessons,” Becker said. “The April 17th program will feature our two ensembles — the Vivaldi Ensemble, which is made up of first-year students, and the Mozart Orchestra, which is the 2nd year ensemble. Next year we’ll be adding the Beethoven Orchestra as our additional performing group.
For more information about the String Project, visit: http://arts.unl.edu/music/string-project