MyRED Mobile, the designated mobile app for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's student information portal, is being discontinued effective April 17. MyRED will remain accessible on all devices via the MyRED website.
"The University continues to expand services offered through MyRED while looking for ways to increase efficiencies." says Steven Booton, senior associate registrar. "Moving to a single application that is completely mobile-ready allows us to implement new services in the future without the need to enhance multiple systems.
"We've made the MyRED website responsive so it's fully functional on all mobile and desktop devices, " says Andrew Frye, student information developer/designer for Information Technology Services. "Not all features were available via the mobile app, so students were still relying on the website for some tasks."
There is also a significant cost savings in licensing and development for both Apple and Android platforms. "Putting the efforts into a fully-functional website that works anytime, anywhere makes much more sense," Frye added.
On April 17, the MyRED Mobile app will redirect students to use the website http://myred.unl.edu