UNL Campus Rec will host the American Collegiate Intramural Sports™ Flag Football 2011 Regional Championships Nov. 18-20. ACIS™ Flag Football is the series of campus, regional and national championship tournaments that provide college students the opportunity to compete in high quality, nationally promoted intramural and extramural events.
All UNL students are welcome to enter a team, regardless of past participation in Intramural Sports Flag Football. Teams will consist of 7 players for Men’s or Women’s teams and 8 players for Co-Rec teams.
The winning team will play in the ACIS™ National Tournament Dec. 28-31 at the University of West Florida in Pensacola, FL. The winning team will also receive paid entry into the National Tournament and a $1,500 travel stipend.
Registration deadline for the Regional Championships is Nov. 14 with an entry fee of $125 per team. Teams can sign up online at http://crec.unl.edu/im/, by phone (402) 472-8383 or in person in the Intramural Office at the Campus Rec Center.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/t8a