Student Ambassadors create links between the museum, the university, and the greater Lincoln community. Through their participation in outreach events, programs, and museum tours student ambassadors help raise awareness of the museum and the natural sciences.
The State Museum Student Ambassador Program consists of 10–12 students. Participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the natural sciences and museums while sharpening their leadership and communication skills.
• Open to students currently enrolled full-time at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln regardless of class level, major or special interest
• Minimum 3.00 overall GPA
• Interest in marketing, communications, education, museum work, and the natural sciences
• Chosen applicants must have availability on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays
• Provide assistance at museum, campus, and community events
• Attend all Ambassador meetings and trainings
• Able to commit to 20 hours per semester including some nights and weekends
• Answer general museum questions with accurate and current information
• Posses a professional and courteous demeanor
Selection Process
• April 13 – Applications due
• April 14 – Selected applicants notified to schedule interviews
• April 17-18 – Applicant interviews
• April 19 – Chosen applicants will be notified
Apply Now >> http://museum.unl.edu/volunteer/ambassador.html
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/hqow