From amongst the 75 vendors and numerous games, students will exit GET REC'd with $20,000 in giveaways and prizes this year. The biggest winners will be the students who sign up for the 4 premiere contests: Ultimate Road Trip, Husker Superstars, Pepsi Olympics, and Wii Just Dance 3 contest.
• HUSKER SUPERSTARS presented by Nebraska Athletics
- Sign up 11 to 4 Thursday and 11-12 Friday at contest booth next to GET REC'd stage.
- Contest will be 12:30 p.m. Friday
All students who have signed up will participate in a preliminary elimination game for a chance to compete in a competition based on the former ABC Summer TV show Superstars. The final four students will be paired with a Division I Husker athlete to compete in a variety of competitive games. These events will test the team’s ability to cooperate through teamwork and physical coordination to win.
1st Place - 2012 Student Husker Season Football Tickets and a football autographed by Tom Osborne
2nd Place - 2012 Student Husker Season Football Tickets and Nebraska Athletics Adidas polo shirt
3rd Place - Nebraska Athletics Adidas polo shirt and NCAA Football '12 for Xbox 360
- Sign up 11 to 4 Thursday at contest booth next to GET REC'd stage.
- Contest will be 11 a.m. Friday
The Pepsi Olympics is a set of fun competitions that will have six students compete in loosely based Olympic events. These contests will test some light athletic ability, humor and your ability to consume and manipulate Pepsi products. Prizes for the top three contenders will be awarded in Olympic medal-like fashion of gold, silver and bronze.
Gold Medal Winner - iPhone 4 or Blackberry
Silver Medal Winner - iPod Touch
Bronze Medal Winner - 2 tickets to Boyz II Men at the Lied Center for Performing Arts
- Sign up in 11 to 1:30 Thursday at contest booth next to GET REC'd stage. Four-person teams required.
- Contest will be 1:45 p.m. Thursday
Our Wii Just Dance™ 3 Competition is a casual event that will have you showing off your dance skills in groups of four. Prizes from our GET REC’d sponsors will be awarded to each participants that score the most points each round. Dancers of all levels are encouraged to sign up.
- Note: Entry deadline for this contest was Jan. 15.
This contest brings together 10 teams of two in fierce competition to win the grand prize, an all-expenses-paid, 7-day Spring Break cruise to the Western Caribbean. The competition is spread over the two days of GET REC’d
1st Place - Spring Break Caribbean Cruise valued at $3,000. Stops include: Miami, Bahamas, Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Cozumel, Mexico. Trip cash provided by the University of Nebraska Federal Credit Union.
2nd Place - Two Samsung Galaxy Tabs - courtesy of the UNL Computer and Phone Shop.
Third Place - Campus Rec Gift Basket & 2 tickets to Second City at the Lied Center.
Click the link below for more details.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/getrecd_contests