Kayaks, tents, bikes, inflatable stand-up paddle boards, and 300 other outdoor gear items will be sold to the public at the annual Used Gear Sale from 4 to 6 p.m. March 29 at the Outdoor Adventures Center (930 N. 14th Street, Lincoln).
Sale items were previously used by rec programs - in particular, Outdoor Adventures - for student adventure trips, academic class teaching, rentals to students, and clinics & workshops. Gear is sold in “as is” condition and all sales are final. No returns, refunds or exchanges. Proceeds from the sale are reinvested to purchase new gear and equipment to benefit Nebraska students.
A partial listing and prices of available items. Items with an asterisks (*) are limited to one per person. Payments can be made with cash, credit or debit card, and NCard.
*Inflatable Stand-up Paddle Boards $300 each
*Kayaks (Rec, White water, Tandem) $300–$400 each
*Canoes (Weenonah/Mad River) $400–$600 each
*Mountain Hardware® Tents $55 each
Marmot® Sleeping Bags $40 each
*Osprey® Backpacks $75 each
Marmot® Sleeping Bags $40 each
AVON Raft 12’ $200
*Single-Speed Bikes $85 each
Two-Burner Propane Stoves $50 each
KD Canopy Shade $500
Questions? Contact Outdoor Adventures Center 402-472-4777. Opens daily at 10 a.m.