Lincoln Friends of Chamber Music Begins New Season

Lincoln Friends of Chamber Music
Lincoln Friends of Chamber Music

Join Lincoln Friends of Chamber Music for a new concert season comprised of informative pre-concert lectures and world-class music. Some are seasoned groups and some are new emerging groups, all exceptional.

Season Opener
The Spektral Quarter
Thursday, Sept 7
7 p.m.
Vega, 350 Canopy Street in Lincoln's Haymarket

Spektral Quartet actively pursues a vivid conversation between exhilarating works of the traditional canon and those written this decade, this year, or this week. With its most recent album, described by Gramophone as “highly-interactive, creative and collaborative," Spektral is known for creating seamless connections across centuries, drawing in the listener with charismatic deliveries, interactive concert formats, an up-close atmosphere, and bold, inquisitive programming.

All tickets are $15
Doors open at 6 p.m. for drinks and snacks.

Prices for individual concerts are listed at the Lied Center website and on the LFC website at

Any remaining tickets can be purchased at the door one hour before each concert. This includes OLLI and NET member single-concert-2-for-1 discounts, which are available for the October 20th, January 26th and April 27th concerts only.

More at
Or call the Lied Center Box Office at 402-272-4747