OLLI Interest Groups

Join an OLLI Interest Group
Join an OLLI Interest Group

The Sketch Interest Group is starting its third year. Come join us on Monday, Sept 11, from 3-4:30 in Meeting Room #1 at Walt Library, 6701 South14th St. This kick's off the first effort at a traveling exhibit of selections of artwork by the group. Check out our mobile collage at this meeting before it starts its tour around Lincoln's Public Libraries and businesses where we've had field trips. All you need to bring is a No. 2 pencil; we'll even provide the paper! Bring an idea or an object of something to draw in a supportive non-judging setting among beginning to excellent sketchers.

Questions? Contact Stan Riggle, 402-435-0900, archaeogastropoda@hotmail.com

The Meditation Interest Group will meet on Thursday, Sept 14, 1:30-2:30 p.m., at First Plymouth Church at 20 & D Streets in Calvert Parlor. The facilitator will be Jeanne Johnson who has had training and experience in contemplative practices.

Questions? Contact Margaret Rickers at frickers@neb.rr.com

The September meeting of the OLLI Baseball Interest Group will be held at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 12 at the Northside Cafe on the corner of N. 48th Street and St. Paul. All OLLI Baseball fans are invited to attend for some pie and baseball talk. Tom Adkins will be moderating the September discussion. Here ARE some topics to think about:

1. Sports illustrated has an article about this season's homerun binge. Read it at this linkL

2. As the MLB season nears an end, who are you selections for MVP, Cy Young, Rooke of the Year and other awards in both leagues?

3. Here's an article on the possibility of a repeat World Series between the Cubs and the Indians:

4. And here's another on the Yankees - Red Sox rivalry that now includes a sign stealing controversy:


Also, Randy Moody may drop by the September meeting to talk about a campaign that he and Don Walton of the LJS are starting to get Grover Cleveland Alexander inducted into the Nebraska Hall of Fame. One candidate is selected every five years so the next selection will be in 2022. Candidates must be deceased for a minimum of 35 years to be eligible - so people like Bob Gibson or Richie Ashburn have a while to wait. What's your opinion -- Does "Old Pete" belong?

Questions? Contact Marvin Almy, 402-786-5856, hmalmy@aol.com

The Science and Technology Interest Group will meeting on Tuesday, Sept 12, at Scooter's Coffee, conference room, 2901 So 84th St. (84th and Van Dorn Streets.) The topics for discussion are hurricanes, climate change and solar flares.

Questions? Contact Craig Hahn, 402-730-7487, craig_hahn@hotmail.com