Tour some of Lincoln's rehabilitation care centers

Helping patients regain their independence
Helping patients regain their independence

When faced with surgery and then rehab, know your options. Learn about the services provided by six rehabilitation care facilities in Lincoln. Enjoy a complimentary lunch, presentation and tour of each facility.

The facilities include:
Hillcrest Firethorn Health Services
Southlake Village Rehabilitation
Holmes Lake Rehabilitation
Old Cheney Rehabilitation
Gateway Vista Rehabilitation
Homestead Rehabilitation

Facilitator: Carla Fetch
Day/Dates: Thu, Oct 25, Nov 1, 8, 15, 29, Dec 6
Time: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: The first tour is at Hillcrest Health Services. A list of facilities will be provided at the first class. A complete schedule will be emailed before and available at the first class.
Cost: $30

Register online:

Register by telephone: 402-472-6265
Please have your credit card handy