Help identify and understand Nebraska student experiences!
The Student Experiences Survey was recently launched to capture student experiences from the Summer and Fall terms of 2020 and UNL wants to include your student’s experiential learning activities! The survey collects student internships/co-ops, volunteerism, research, and/or other career development experiences. The survey data will be kept confidential and used to understand the types of experiential learning Husker students engage in, how often, for how long, when, and where. Naturally, the more data collected, the stronger the results. Parents can help UNL get a strong set of data by encouraging their Nebraska students to fill out the quick survey, open to both undergraduate and graduate students.
Accessing the survey is easy!
The survey is available with a click in students’ MyRed account. Ask your student about their experiences to help them identify those which included career development components. Then encourage them to complete the survey as appropriate. In addition to learning the what, where, when, and how of your student’s experiences, it will be a great opportunity to discuss what career development experiences they might want next. Connect them with a Nebraska Career Coach at https://careers.unl.edu/about-us/ to help them explore the options further and how to gain those experiences. Please note not completing the survey will not prevent students from registering or otherwise penalize them.
Student stories are the Nebraska story!
The Student Experiences Survey data will be fundamental in understanding and promoting career development opportunities at UNL. Encourage your student to include their stories by completing the survey today!
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/experiencessurvey