Experience and Research Opportunity for Students - UCARE

Undergraduate Research Ambassadors promote UCARE research opportunities on campus.  (Top, L-R: Latifa Obaidi, John Burke, Scott Speck, Katie Higgins;  Bottom, L-R: Linda Nguyen, Anna Steiner, Kristina Whitney)
Undergraduate Research Ambassadors promote UCARE research opportunities on campus. (Top, L-R: Latifa Obaidi, John Burke, Scott Speck, Katie Higgins; Bottom, L-R: Linda Nguyen, Anna Steiner, Kristina Whitney)

If your student is interested in conducting undergraduate research in 2013-2014, the time to start preparing is now. The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has numerous opportunities for undergraduates to participate in research across campus. Studies show that undergraduates who are involved in research are more engaged, have higher retention rates, and are better prepared for graduate and professional schools. The Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences (UCARE) Program is just one of many ways students can research at UNL.

The UCARE Program, rated a top university program in undergraduate research by U.S. News and World Report, pays students to work with faculty on research or creative projects. Students have three different opportunities to work with faculty: in 2013-214, students can apply for summer, academic year, and the summer + academic year awards. Students can apply for individual research opportunities or a team proposal where three to four students conduct research together in one lab.

Students interested in participating in a UCARE experience can attend one of three upcoming workshops that will explain how to identify and select a faculty advisor, develop a UCARE research abstract, and assemble a UCARE application. Workshop dates are
Monday, February 11
2:00 - 3:00 p.m. City Campus Union
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. East Campus Union
Tuesday, February 12
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. City Campus Union

Applications for 2013-2014 UCARE experiences will be available online at http://www.unl.edu/ucare starting Monday, March 4, and will be due Tuesday, April 9 at 2 p.m.

Note: Undergraduate Research Ambassadors promote UCARE research opportunities on campus. They speak to student groups across campus about applying to the program and share how they became involved in research.

More details at: http://go.unl.edu/q8f