You may hear a lot about ACE from your student. ACE stands for Achievement-Centered Education, and it’s UNL’s nationally recognized 30-hour general education program that is part of the academic foundation for all of our graduates.
ACE reflects what faculty members believe 21st century UNL undergraduates ought to know. It is designed to give students breadth of learning, while they gain deep learning in their majors. ACE helps students address the needs of a complex, diverse and globalized society and promotes skills and abilities that employers seek.
All students must complete 30 hours of 10 ACE learning outcomes. These courses give students opportunities to develop and to apply relevant skills, knowledge, and social responsibilities regardless of their majors or career aspirations.
Here are other features you should know about UNL’s ACE program:
• ACE is flexible. Students have many choices and can intentionally select ACE courses that complement and build upon major interests.
• ACE is transferable. ACE courses are the same across all of UNL’s academic colleges. Even if students change majors, the ACE courses they have taken still count.
• ACE is efficient. ACE courses are included in the 120-hr. degree programs so that students can easily stay on track to graduate in four years.
• ACE is marketable. ACE courses are designed to supplement students’ educational experiences and provide them the skills and knowledge that employers value.
If you or you student has questions about the ACE program, be sure to contact your student’s academic advisor.
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