How Parents Can Support Student Success

The First-Year Experiences and Transition Programs Office is located in 127 Love Library South
The First-Year Experiences and Transition Programs Office is located in 127 Love Library South

Reality: Not all students have a stellar academic semester. Solution: Encourage your student to meet with success coaches and attend workshops.

First-Year Experience and Transition Program staff see students who excel one semester and then experience academic challenges the next. We know that students can get discouraged when they have a semester that doesn’t live up to expectations. If your student faced academic difficulties last semester, we encourage you to talk with your student to learn what worked well, and what proved to be challenging. Sometimes your student may struggle with a new testing style or with taking notes in a large lecture class. No matter the challenges that your student identifies, there are campus resources to give your student the competitive edge in future semesters.

Academic Success Coaches are free to all UNL students regardless of year in school. Academic Coaches meet with students to assess their specific needs to be successful in the classroom. After reviewing the assessment, the coach will work with your student to create an action plan. This plan might entail planning strategies such as time management and goal setting or academic skills such as note-taking, test-taking, or reading strategies. Some students meet with a coach only once while others meet regularly throughout the semester. UNL also provides free and interactive academic success workshops on a range of topics throughout each semester.
No matter your student’s particular academic challenges, please encourage them to seek assistance from professionals trained to help them succeed. We believe that parents are a partner in students’ success. Please encourage your student to use resources that are available to them. More information can be found at

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