Benefits of Involvement

Campus Activities Graph
Campus Activities Graph

Summer is a great time to talk to your student about their college experience and perhaps different ways the student can be engaged outside the classroom. Students report that they learn more, gain more experience from and appreciate their college experience more from being actively involved in out-side-the-classroom activities. Here are some of the bonuses (benefits) of student involvement.

Close with the “particularly for the 40% of students who reported that they would like to be involved in more campus activities, share these statistics and a nudge of encouragement to get them involved when they return in the fall.” type of statement. Studies have shown that it is worth the time to be involved, can enhance academic performance and helps students meet others with similar interests for a more meaningful college experience. Schedules are busy - but perhaps you can help your student find a way to be involved outside the classroom, even if it is just one activity starting out. More information on student involvement opportunities can be found at

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