A Note to Parents from Residence Life

What an awesome first couple of weeks it has been on campus! We welcomed your students to the residence halls, participated in Big Red Welcome, and have helped your students navigate the first couple of weeks of class.

As your student continues to settle into their new home, they will continue to experience the transition of living away from home! Encourage them to attend events in their residence hall, be a part of a student organization, and attend various first six week events on campus. The schedule for those events can be found at: https://bigredwelcome.unl.edu/. There are some really fantastic events happening over the course of the next few weeks.

Has your student called home with any roommate issues? A great resource to read is the Roommate Success Guide. Learn about the information we use with students when there is a conflict. The expectation that roommates need to be best friends is false. Acquaintances can be excellent roommates as long as respect and willingness to communicate are present. Allow your student to grow and handle any issues themselves with their RA (Resident Assistant) and RD (Residence Director).

Did you know there are great leadership opportunities in the residence halls? Encourage your student to get involved in RHA, the Residence Hall Association. RHA sponsors the movie streaming service, available in every residence hall. “Better than NetFlix!” we’ve heard students say! Have a great semester!

More details at: https://housing.unl.edu/residence-life