Nicole McCoid is the systems manager of eSHOP and eBid, two vital functions of Procurement Services outreach and service to the university community. Her helpful voice is a welcome sound when calling with questions about eSHOP and Nicole has built a valuable network of eSHOP Super Users to bring personal service to the departments on campus.
Nicole's 11 years of service to the university include 7 years at UNMC Procurement and nearly 4 years as the Manager of Procurement Systems in Lincoln. She says, "I get to interact with a large number of dedicated people on this campus and UWide in support of the University’s eProcurement System (eSHOP) and Contract & Bidding System (eBid). I am responsible for project management and process improvement including upgrades, troubleshooting, and technical support for both systems at UNL."
When not at work, Nicole loves family time, hanging out with her husband and her son. She enjoys reading and exploring the numerous bookstores in the area, and outdoor fun while hiking, biking, camping and skiing. One of her favorite places to eat a great dinner is in Jackson, WY, a town with fun restaurants around the town square! Nicole loves Vanilla Bean ice cream unless the occasion warrants a special treat of Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey!