Pop-In Peer Listening

Pop-In Peer Listening Session
Pop-In Peer Listening Session

Big Red Resilience and Well-Being is continuing Pop-in Peer listening sessions this month! Continue to join us on Mondays and Fridays at various locations around campus from 2:00-4:00 PM. This Friday we will be in Knoll with a Meditation Station. For more info on each session and location, click the link! 

What is a Pop-in Peer Listening session?
- A space to decompress, talk to a Well-Being ambassador, get some useful tips on stress relief, practice wellness & mindfulness, and learn about some helpful resources available to you.
- We will provide a de-stressing activity at each session, in an inclusive and safe space on campus. 
- Anyone and everyone are welcome-- stop by in between a class, or bring a friend! 

More details at: https://events.unl.edu/resilience/2022/10/07/167366/