NvolveU & You: Elections


For a quick Elections how-to video click here: https://go.unl.edu/v2e8

Create an Election:
1. Head to the Action Center for your organization through the Manage view.

2. Click on Elections, which can be found in the organization tool drawer on the left hand side. (Only RSO advisors and officers should have access to the elections tool.)

3. From here, click the Create Election button. Once on this page, simply fill out the quick form with the name of the election and any additional instructions or information. This is where you can also choose if your election should be active and the date range your election should be available. There will also be an option to display an alert on the organization homepage when the election is active, so that members know that voting is open. The last option on the initial form is whether or not you would like to allow users from outside of your RSO to vote in the election.

4. When you're finished with these settings, hit Save.

Create Ballots within your Election:
5. Next, you will need to create your ballots, which are essentially the pieces you would like your organization to vote on. Click "Create Ballot", and enter the name of your ballot. Select “enable” so that all members of your organization will be able to vote. Then click Save to advance to the next page.

6. You'll then be taken to the form builder where you can create your questions for voting. The builder will automatically save your progress as you create questions, and you can revise the title and access of your ballot at any time by clicking "Form Properties" in the upper right corner.

7. When you've finished creating your questions, click "Back to Ballots" in the upper left corner. You can create as many ballots as needed, and to do so you simply repeat the previous steps for any additional ballots you would like to create within the same election. (A great example for multiple ballots is if you would like your members to vote on officers and organization policy changes at the same time.)

8. Once all your ballots are ready, be sure your election is set to Active on the election's "properties" tab so that your members can vote!

Viewing Your Results:
9. When you are ready to view the results of your election, simply return to the Elections tool within your RSO, and select the election that you would like to see the results for. Clicking on the “results” tab at the top will then allow you to browse through the results by ballot.

If you would like additional information or help in setting up your elections, please contact the Student Involvement team at 402-472-2454 or at involved@unl.edu!

More details at: https://go.unl.edu/v2e8