To determine next steps consider the following:
1. Where are your group members physically located? If some are outside Lincoln, moving to online meetings are a great option. Check out the article in this newsletter on how to use Zoom. Google Hangouts might be another resource RSOs could use to meet.
2. Are members interested in physically gathering or would they be more comfortable holding meetings remotely? How many members typically attend an in person meeting? The current guidance by Governor Ricketts is to not have more than 10 people in one place. Social distancing is highly encouraged. However, you could have an in person meeting with a Zoom option. Some University meetings are being conducted this way currently depending on the size of the group. The Union is currently available (that could change as we know this is a fluid situation) for physical meetings between 7am-7pm Monday-Friday. If you need to reserve physical space for a meeting, follow the same process as you would by completing an EPR.
3. What RSO business needs to be conducted?
a.Have you done elections, if not, how do you plan to hold elections? NvolveU has a great elections tool. Check out how to use it by reading the article in this newsletter. We do not recommended holding elections in the Fall if you normally hold them in the Spring. RSOs will have business to do in the summer and right when classes start. If you don’t have officers in place, this could present problems for the group that could be avoided.
b.If you don’t have a lot of business to conduct, your group could vote to suspend your constitution/by-laws and grant your Executive Board decision making authority when normally the members would vote on specific matters. Again, make sure you hold a vote if this is your desired route.
4. Do you have events that were cancelled this spring that you plan to hold next Fall? If so, this might be an important topic to discuss in a meeting so you can make the arrangements over the next several weeks to get details ironed out for the new date. What events to you plan to host in the Fall that you need to begin planning for now?
5. What kind of meetings are the most important for your group right now? Does the whole membership need to meet or just the Executive Board? Maybe both, but the frequency is different than it would have been if things hadn’t changed.
Student Involvement is here to assist you any way we can. We will continue to share information and helpful tips as we have them using the RSO Newsletter. If you have specific questions regarding your RSO, don’t hesitate to reach us at 402-472-2454 or We are responding as quickly as possible, so we ask for patience as we try to give the best guidance as quickly as we are able. It is an interesting time for sure, but we are confident we are able to manage this situation if we work together.
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