Specific details regarding Big Red Welcome 2020 will become available in the coming weeks. At this time, we hope to host these events in a safe and effective manner for our students. Please know this is a rapidly evolving situation and we will communicate with registered groups as we know more.
Big Red Welcome includes many great opportunities for Recognized Student Organizations. Not only is it a great way to promote your organization and recruit new members, it is also a opportune time to host events that highlight your organization and engage students with the work and mission of your RSO.
This year we are trying to simplify the process for organizations that want to take advantage of all of these opportunities by having one form to register for multiple events, instead of multiple forms and registrations. Below are the events that you can register for through this form, with their perspective dates and locations.
Party at the Union - Saturday, August 22, 2020 @ the Nebraska Union - REGISTRATION IS CLOSED.
Club Fair - Wednesday, August 26, 2020 @ the Nebraska Union Plaza
East Campus Welcome - Thursday, August 27, 2020 on East Campus
The registrations will be due August 14 for Club Fair and East Campus Welcome, but if the event spaces fill, we may have to close the registration early. Your RSO had to be in compliance to participate.
Click here to register: https://bit.ly/RSOFall2020Events
More details at: https://bit.ly/RSOFall2020Events