Self Care Tips for June

This month's self care tips come to us directly from our campus experts on wellbeing: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

Our emotions reside in our bodies, so take good care of yours!
Maintain a regular sleep schedule.
Work towards maintaining good nutrition and regular meals.
Limit alcohol intake.
Limit caffeine intake.
Get some exercise
Spend some time outside, in nature, especially.
Practice deep breathing, relaxation, yoga, Qigong. Not sure how to do these? YouTube!!
Try taking up an activity that requires use of your body and mind, which can give you an emotional break: knitting, art, playing an instrument, etc.

Be careful of COVID-19 misinformation and overload. Rumors abound. Check out rumors for yourself by going to reputable sources. Check out state and local government sites for up to date information about closings. Go to the World Health Organization ( or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( for correct information about the virus. Limit the time you spend taking in COVID-19 news. It’s coming at us from all directions and this can be downright overwhelming. Turn off/stop reading the news. Maybe check in once a day.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or are in need of additional support, remember our CAPS team is here to help. CAPS also offers Guided Mindfulness Sessions daily. You can learn more about CAPS on their website:

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