UNL Biomaterials Day - FREE Registration!

UNL Biomaterials Day
UNL Biomaterials Day

Date: Sep 17th
Times: 9am - 3:30pm
Attendees: Open to the public
Location: Zoom (https://unl.zoom.us/j/92534277996?pwd=STZmU0dTL291d012Ry91Zm4wd3gzUT09), Passcode: 542324

Description: The Society For Biomaterials student chapter at UNL is hosting our first Biomaterials Day! This will be a one-day virtual conference to showcase biomaterials-related efforts from our community. Registration is FREE, and the first 30 to register receive a free lunch voucher. During this one-day event we are honored to have Dr. Rebecca Wachs from UNL as our keynote speaker, live oral presentations from attendees via Zoom, a lunch networking and poster presentation event, a 3D printing seminar from Dr. Bin Duan's lab from UNMC, and awards for the top oral and poster presentations! Welcome "swag" bags will also be provided to attendees who would like to pick them up.

Please visit our website to register and submit abstracts: https://engineering.unl.edu/biomaterials-day/

Look forward to seeing you there!

More details at: https://engineering.unl.edu/biomaterials-day/