Students Together Against Cancer (STAC) Seeking General and Executive Members

STAC selling merchandise last spring!
STAC selling merchandise last spring!

STAC is an RSO, as well as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, that provides aid to local, low-income cancer patients in need. We are completely student-run, and we provide a club that is fun and gives back to the community while maintaining a relatively low time commitment.
General meetings are 1-2 Mondays a month @8pm in the union. Please consider joining our club via NVolveU where we will be able to let you know when there are meetings. Or, contact Jonah Payne via his email at the end of this article to let him know you want to join, and he will add you to the email list.
We are seeking general members as well as leaders! For leadership, we're seeking a treasurer, secretary, volunteer coordinator, and social media chair. Anyone can apply at; please contact with any questions you have.

More details at: