The Aerospace Club is hosting an informational meetings on Tuesday (Sept. 3) at 7 p.m. in Scott Engineering Center 318. The Aerospace Club has six teams for the design and construction of airplanes, high powered rockets, sub-orbital scientific payloads, lunar mining robots, and unmanned aerial vehicles. No previous experience is necessary, and the club is open to all students.
Each team designs and builds an aerospace-related project and travels with it to competitions or events with other colleges and universities. Members have hands-on opportunities to develop skills in the areas of problem solving, leadership, teamwork, computer science, robotics, aerospace design, manufacturing and rapid prototyping, and many more.
The Aerospace Club's teams receive regular funding from NASA Nebraska and the Engineering Student Advisory Board.
For more information, visit our website at unlaero.space or email unl.aerospace.club@gmail.com.
More details at: http://unlaero.space