Big Red Welcome includes many great opportunities for Recognized Student Organizations to raise awareness and recruit new members, but it is also a opportune time to host events which highlight your organization and engage students with the work and mission of your RSO.
This year we are trying to simplify the process for organizations who want to take advantage of all of the Big Red Welcome opportunities to recruit new members by having one form to register for all of the events below:
- Party at the Union - Saturday, August 20, 2021 | 8-11:45pm @ the Nebraska Union
- Club Fair - Wednesday, August 24, 2021 | 11am-1pm @ the Nebraska Union Plaza
- East Campus Welcome - Thursday, August 25, 2021 | 4-6pm on East Campus
Click here to register for the events above: https://unl.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/528297
Registration closes on August 12 at 11:59pm, spaces are assigned first come first serve.
Filling out a registration form does not to guarantee your RSO's spot. Your RSO has to be in compliance for participation in any Big Red Welcome events.
We look forward to seeing you at these events.
If you have questions, email us at involved@unl.edu or call us at 402-472-2454
More details at: https://unl.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/528297