Gallups has a 12 question survey that measure's individuals engagement and provides actionable elements that if implemented, lead to greater performance.
Question 11 on the survey says, "In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress." The survey found that the best RSO Advisors provide informal and formal feedback on their officer's progress on a regular and consistent basis which results in 10%-15% higher productivity.
The best RSO Advisors know that for their RSO officers to grow, they must first know where they stand.
What can you do as an RSO advisor to help your RSO Officers know where they are in their professional journey? How can you help your RSO Officers understand how they can accomplish their goals? Here are a few helpful methods:
1.) Spend time with each RSO Officer individually to learn their goals, and help them chart their progress.
2.) Provide honest, direct feedback. When RSO Officers do great work, praise them – and when they could have done work better, provide constructive feedback.
3.) Don’t be afraid to let your RSO officers try something on their own. If they make mistakes, coach them through what to do next time.
These tips are just a handful of ways to help your RSO Officers gauge their progress through informal and formal feedback, but if you need further assistance in implementing a plan to help gauge your RSO Officer's progress, reach out to Joe Hagerty (jhagerty2@unl.edu) in SLICE to set a RSO Consultation Meeting.
More details at: https://uofnelincoln.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/UNL-SALIFE/Involvement/EdvacYtkedBAhkVc0qWzvdgBBSVMCCyOcZm1iQuPHOqG9Q?e=8lacfW