Strength of the Month: Communication


A student high in the strength of Communication is someone who feels that they must express themselves, and this expression can take many forms – verbally, artistically, musically, through writing or composition, how one dresses, teaches or even how one tell stories. No matter what the form, Communication, whether verbal or non-verbal, is about how someone uniquely expresses who they are.

As an RSO Advisor, keep these best practices in mind when advising students who are high in Communication:
• Ask your student to learn the stories of interesting events in your organization. Then give them them an opportunity to tell those stories to other students. They will help bring your RSO's culture to life and thereby strengthen it.
• Ask your student to help some of the specialists in your organization make more engaging presentations.
• Public speaking could be this person’s strong suit. Help your student gain the skills they need to perfect their public speaking skills.

If you need other ways to help someone high in Communication, reach out to Joe Hagerty ( to get additional tips and resources!

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