Strength of the Month: Competition


A student who is high in the Gallup Strength Competition is instinctively aware of other people's performance.

These people actually enjoy having their performance measured, they want to know their grade, or where they place among others. They have an amazing energy and drive to be engaged and to succeed.

They don't compete for the fun of competing, they compete to win. Over time they will come to avoid contests where winning seems unlikely.

As an RSO Advisor, keep these best practices in mind when advising students who are high in Competition:
• Measure this person’s accomplishments against others.
• Set up contests for this person. Highly charged competitors want to compete with others who are very close to their skill level, matching them against modest achievers won’t motivate them.
• Use competitive language with this person when you need to engage them in planning or problem solving.

Learn more about the competition strength here:

If you need other ways to help someone high in Competition, reach out to Joe Hagerty ( to get additional tips and resources!

More details at: