University Program Council and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion offer funds to support your RSO programs, projects, and events. Apply for funding today! Continue reading…
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Winter RSO elections are just around the corner meaning it almost time to re-register your RSO and update SLICE with your newly elected officers. RSOs are required to re-register one time per year after RSO elections occur. Learn how to re-register your RSO and get your new officers trained... Continue reading…
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Gallup has a 12 question survey that measures individual's engagement and provides actionable elements that if implemented, lead to greater performance. Question #2 on the survey asks, "Do I have the Materials & Equipment Needed to Do My Work right?" Continue reading…
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University Catering will be the new exclusive caterer for the Nebraska Union Spaces. RSO's will receive a 20% discount off of menu price when ordering food and beverages (including snacks) for their RSO events. Continue reading…
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A student who is high in Consistency is keenly aware of the need to treat people the same, no matter what their situation in life. They do not want to see the scales tipped too far in any one person's favor. You can help advise a student high in consistency by... Continue reading…
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