Faculty Feature: Dr. Majid Nabavi

Dr. Majid Nabavi
Dr. Majid Nabavi

Dr. Majid Nabavi is an associate professor of practice of Supply Chain Management and Analytics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He received his Ph.D. from the College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He also received his MBA from J.D.Edwards Honors Program at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Master of Mining Engineering from University of Tehran.

Dr. Nabavi's teaching is currently focused on data analysis and technology including Spreadsheet Analytics (SCMA 250), Business Analytics/Information Analysis (SCMA 350), and Database Management (SCMA 452) for undergraduate students, and Business Analytics (GRBA 851), Data Management (SCMA 852), and Advanced Analytics and Big Data (SCMA 854) at the master's level.

He developed SCMA 250 course material based on the learning needs of the College of Business undergraduate students for intermediate to advanced spreadsheet skills and problem solving. He also developed course materials for SCMA 350 with the focus on introducing contemporary data analysis skills to students. Data acquisition and cleaning, visualization techniques, predictive analytics, and a variety of regression analysis techniques are among the topics covered in this course. Students work in teams to solve problems, prepare professionally formatted reports, and present their findings in class. Students also find real-world application of the methods they learn as a regular part of their group assignments.

Prior to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Dr. Nabavi served as a faculty of the College of Business at Bellevue University, and Computer Studies and Mathematics at University of Dubuque, teaching courses in computer programming, operations management, logistic management, supply chain management, information technology practices, management science, business statistics, and applied management research.

Dr. Nabavi has a problem-solving approach in teaching analytics and technology courses and has prepared an online version of each course ever developed for distance learning students. Due to his interest and involvement in distance education, he has collected data from both distance and in-person classes to compare the student performance on related topics to identify and address the challenging subjects for distance learners.

In his free time, Majid loves to take part in outdoor sports. He also spends some time at home gardening, running, and walking his goldendoodle puppy.