Three-Week Session: AGRI 310 & HIST 298

AGRI 310
AGRI 310

AGRI 310: Section 101: Securing and Sustaining Water for Food Globally (3 Credits)
Tackle the wicked problem of ensuring water and food security, an issue with complex global connections and nuances.
Global Studies Theme: Global Resources and Environment

AGRI 310: Section 102: Around the World with Coffee: A Socio-Economic and Historical Journey (3 Credits)
Coffee is more than a beverage—it's a way of life with history, geography, and questions of equity in each cup. This course will also explore sociology and the economics of coffee.
Global Studies Theme: Global Development and Service

HIST 298 Music, Protests, and Social Justice in Africa and the World (3 Credits)
Dive into playlists from the U.S. civil rights movement and the African anti-apartheid movement—along with hip-hop, country, jazz, and other music—to learn about the types of songs that were created in response to social inequities.
Global Studies Region: Africa and the Middle East