Week 6 SGIS Newsletter

Week 6: Investigate Your Interests
Week 6: Investigate Your Interests

Week 6: Investigate Your Interests

As you're focusing on your coursework, remember to investigate and invest in your interests. Attend events, join student organizations, think about taking courses, and apply for programs and fellowships that will allow your interests to come to life and open up career pathways.


Academic Advising Updates

Sydney WebbSydney Webb is the Academic Advisor for the School of Global Integrative Studies and the Modern Languages department. You can make an appointment with her through MyPLAN.

Read more for weekly tips and campus resources that can help you be successful, important upcoming dates, and advising updates. Continue reading…


Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Blair Rose Zaid

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Blair Rose ZaidMeet Dr. Blair Rose Zaid, an anthropologist and black studies scholar who chose to focus on archaeology because of her love of the outdoors and because she could focus on African descendant communities in the Midwest and the Great Plains. Continue reading…


Hostile Terrain 94 Exhibit Opening

Hostile Terrain 94 Exhibit OpeningPlease join sites across Nebraska, on and off the UNL campus, for Hostile Terrain 94, an exhibit about the humanitarian crisis at the US-Mexico border and how it connects with Nebraska stories and communities. The exhibit is opening on Sept. 21st at the Crib, UNL City Campus Student Union. Continue reading…

Virtual Career Fairs This Week!
Virtual Career Fairs This Week!

Virtual Career Fairs This Week!

Are you looking to connect with employers about future internships and full-time jobs? Register for this semester’s Career Fairs to sign up for group or 1-on-1 sessions with employers.

Register for each day you would like to participate. You MUST register before the day's fair begins. Continue reading…


PIESL Conversational Partners Program

PIESL Conversational Partners ProgramThis cross-cultural partnership program provides international students with an intimate experience of American culture. In return, American volunteers learn about another country and culture and develop cross-cultural competencies.

Deadline: 9/25
See full article for program info and sign up link. Continue reading…

Nebraska Ambassadors Forum 9/21 and 9/22
Nebraska Ambassadors Forum 9/21 and 9/22

Nebraska Ambassadors Forum 9/21 and 9/22

Hear first-hand from retired U.S. Ambassadors and diplomats about their experience and predictions for current foreign affairs issues. This year's theme is “Confrontation and Alliances in Europe,” evaluating the U.S.’s interest in the EU, NATO, Iranian sanctions and Russian influence in Europe. Continue reading…

Fully Funded Language Scholarship
Fully Funded Language Scholarship

Fully Funded Language Scholarship

Apply today for a fully funded scholarship to study Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Khmer or Burmese with the Blakemore Freeman Fellowship. Applications for Blakemore Freeman Fellowships for the 2021/2022 academic year will open July 1, 2020 and close December 30, 2020. Continue reading…

More details at: http://https://blakemorefoundation.communityforce.com/Funds/Search.aspx#4371597136646D517975544F5976596D4E73384E69673D3D
Apply for a Fully-Funded Language Scholarship
Apply for a Fully-Funded Language Scholarship

Apply for a Fully-Funded Language Scholarship

Get started on your application for the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully funded intensive overseas language and cultural immersion program for American students enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities. Reach out to Dr. Emira Ibrahimpasic via emira@unl.edu to get started. Continue reading…

Scholarships to Study Abroad in 2021
Scholarships to Study Abroad in 2021

Scholarships to Study Abroad in 2021

Planning to study abroad in spring, summer or fall of 2021? Apply for the Gilman and/or Gilman-McCain Scholarships. These scholarships provide up to $5,000 (and $8,000 if you study a critical language) for eligible students. Continue reading…

Education Abroad: South Africa digital sign
Education Abroad: South Africa digital sign

Education Abroad: South Africa

In Summer 2021, Dr. John Carroll from the School of Natural Resources is taking students to South Africa for 4 weeks to learn more about Wildlife Conservation in Southern Africa. To apply, go to go.unl.edu/snr_southafrica and email Dr. Carroll at jcarroll2@unl.edu if you have any questions. Continue reading…

Payne Fellowship Applications Now Open
Payne Fellowship Applications Now Open

Payne Fellowship Applications Now Open

The application for 2021 Payne Fellowship for those interested in pursuing careers in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is now open! Reach out to Dr. Emira Ibrahimpasic if you'd like to chat about the process (email her at emira@unl.edu). Continue reading…


Take Home Tea Time Friday

Take Home Tea Time Friday flyerThe Kawasaki Reading Room has adapted Tea Time to adhere to COVID precautions. Stop by the Kawasaki Reading Room in room 302 of the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center on Fridays from 11:00am - 4:00pm to pick up your take home tea goodie bag! Continue reading…

AGRI 310
AGRI 310

Three-Week Session: AGRI 310 & HIST 298

Check out these three-week courses!

AGRI 310: Section 101: Securing & Sustaining Water
AGRI 310: Section 102: Around the World with Coffee
HIST 298: Music, Protests, and Social Justice in Africa and the World

Read more for course descriptions and how they count toward the Global Studies major! Continue reading…

Originally published September 21, 2020 - Submit an Item