Some of you are done for the semester, some are close to being done, and some are preparing for the Fall 2020 Three-Week Session. Enjoy your break and stay safe!
Sydney, CAS Career Coaches, and other advisors will be available during the three-week sessions if you need support.
Sydney Webb is the Academic Advisor for the School of Global Integrative Studies and the Modern Languages department. You can make an appointment with her through MyPLAN.
Read this week's helpful highlight on degree planning resources and an advising update on availability and drop-ins. Continue reading…
Meet senior Sara Benes studying global studies because she has a passion for peoples and cultures. Sara has been an active member of Greek life, and studied abroad twice first to London and Paris and then a semester in Spain. Post graduation Sara hopes to become a clinical mental health counselor. Continue reading…
Spring 2021: NRES/GEOG 427/827: Introduction to the Global Positioning System
Interested in why some nations continue to grow in prosperity while others struggle? What about the 700 million people who still live on less than $1.90/day? Are you interested in nonprofit and NGO management and organizing as a career field? This class is for you. Open to all UNL students. Continue reading…
The Minority Health Disparities Initiative is now accepting applications for their 2021-2022 Undergraduate Research Program. The MHDI Undergraduate Research Program (MHDI URP) is an interdisciplinary program that offers advanced research training in health disparities research.
The Pollitzer Student Travel Awards are designed to help students defray the costs of attending the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) meetings. This award is open to all AAPA student members who are attending the annual meeting.
The San Juan National Forest Dolores Ranger District is currently recruiting for four full-time temporary positions for the 2021 field season including: one Archaeologist and three Archaeology Technicians.
Our CAS Career Coaches Meagan, Kristen, and Joanna want to help you set yourself up for career success! Check out these events and opportunities to enhance your career development.
Continue reading for more info about First Gen Friday Drop-Ins and the Cargill Global Scholars Program! Continue reading…
The Innocents Society is the Chancellor’s senior honorary at UNL. Applications are open for juniors to join the 117th class and for freshmen and sophomore scholarships. Apply by Jan. 29 at 1:13 p.m. Continue reading…
To ensure students have reliable internet access while away from campus, Nebraska Information Technology Services has made 1,000 mobile WiFi hotspot devices available for students to check out before they depart at the end of the fall semester.