“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.” Dalai Lama
Each week I will be sharing tips, campus resources, and skills that can help you personally, academically, and professionally.
This week’s highlight is degree planning resources!
With a two-month Winter break, now is a great opportunity to work on your degree plan and career development. Advisors and CAS Career Coaches will be available for appointments. As you start planning out your pathway to graduation here are a few helpful resources:
• Degree Audit—You can run a degree audit by clicking the “Degree Audit” button on the right side of your MyRED page. Your degree audit is an outline of all your degree requirements—what you have completed, what you have in progress, and what you have completed. If you schedule a meeting with me, I’d be happy to walk through how to read your audit.
• Undergraduate Catalog—The Undergraduate Catalog has lists of your major/minor requirements, descriptions courses offered by the department, sample 4-year plans, and career information. One tricky thing is catalog year—Your major requirements are specific to your catalog year. Check your catalog year at the top of your degree audit. If it isn’t Fall 2020, you can navigate to the archived catalogs under the “Academic Policies” drop down list and find the one that matches your catalog year.
• Degree Planner—By using this helpful tool, you can plan out your pathway to graduation by building a plan from scratch or by building from a sample plan. You can run a degree audit after entering your courses into the Degree Planner to check and make sure all of your requirements show as completed, in progress, or planned.
I will be available for advising appointments during both three-week sessions. UNL offices will be closed December 24th through January 3rd. During that time, I will not be available.
During the Fall 2020 Three-Week session, the advising office will continue to hold drop-in advising hours from 10:00am-12:00pm and 1:00-3:00pm every weekday. We’ll have advisors available for general questions, or our administrator will check if I am available for program-specific questions. Here is the link to the CAS Drop-In Advising Zoom Room: https://unl.zoom.us/my/casadvising
* Final Exams are November 21st-25th.
* The Fall 2020 Three-Week session is November 30th-December 18th.
* Registration for the Fall 2020 Three-Week session will remain open until November 29th.
* December 1st is the last day to drop a class and receive a 100% refund (Three-Week Session)
* The Spring 2021 Three-Week session is January 4th-January 22nd.
* Registration for the Spring 2021 Three-Week session will remain open until January 3rd.
* The Spring 2021 Regular Academic session will begin on January 25th.
* Registration for the Spring 2021 Regular Academic session will remain open until January 24th.