The Minority Health Disparities Initiative is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for our 2021-2022 Undergraduate Research Program. The MHDI Undergraduate Research Program (MHDI URP) is an interdisciplinary program that offers advanced research training in health disparities research. Participating students work up to 10 hours per week with MHDI Core Faculty mentors and their research teams on existing projects to plan and execute an independent project. Students develop knowledge and skills in all phases of research, including hypothesis development, research design, data analysis, and scientific writing. At the end of the program, students present their research at the UNL Spring Research Fair and potentially at regional or national conferences in their related fields. Due to COVID-19, students will be working remotely for the Spring 2021 semester.
Students can begin exploring research opportunities to prepare for the application process by visiting our website to learn more about participating faculty mentors and their research projects. Once they have identified a project and mentor, they will begin gathering and preparing application materials. Students from all related disciplines are welcome to apply. Applications are due on January 4, 2021.
If you have questions regarding the program, please email kstarlin2@unl.edu.
View current projects at https://mhdi.unl.edu/current-urp-projects
Learn more at https://mhdi.unl.edu/mhdi-urp
Apply at https://mhdi.unl.edu/mhdi-undergraduate-research-program-application